Lunar: The Silver Star (Un-Working Designs) SEGA CD ISO

The coverart image of Lunar: The Silver Star (Un-Working Designs)
Game Name Lunar: The Silver Star (Un-Working Designs)
Console SEGA CD
Game Release (31 years ago)
Genre ,
Publisher ,
Image Format BIN/CUE
Downloads 19,333
Users Score Rating: 4.5 / 5


Lunar: The Silver Star (Sega CD) - Un-Worked Design Patch
Version 1 (24 Feb. 2017) 
by Supper

Another one. This hack undo the gameplay changes introdiced by US publisher working designs.


  • Enemies stats restored
  • Shrine donations raised to 100s were reduced to the original value 10s.
  • Fixed bug were the shrine near the Red Dragon Cave gave you the donation money instead of take it away.
  • The US version modified the very end of the game to make Alex take extremely
    high damage from Luna's lightning blasts unless the player uses the Alex's Harp
    item. This was restored to the Japanese behavior, where he always takes the
    reduced amount of damage.
  • All hexagrams and pentagrams removed from the US version restored.
  • Xenobia's nude battle graphics have been restored.
  • The brief nude shot of Luna in the ending was given a washed-out palette in
    the US version; it's been reverted to the original one.
  • All text has been converted to proper mixed case instead of ALL CAPS, and has been proofread to remove the most errors. Example:


Lunar: The Silver Star (Un-Working Designs) SEGA CD ISO Download:

Shared by Spike

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