The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (USA) PSP ISO

The coverart image of The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion
Game Name The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion
Console PlayStation Portable
Game Release (19 years ago)
Publisher Bandai
Image Format ISO
Game ID ULUS-10022
Downloads 24,407
Users Score

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The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion is a RPG video game published by Bandai released on November 15th, 2005 for the PlayStation Portable.

Review by NoonebutMark:

avatar=444_1412308809.pngThree bands of heroes separated by a divided land and by time. This game is actually part 2 in its Japanese release but the game is the first chronologically. This is a game that has an excellent story but has been killed due to the horrible translation and horrid gameplay. Out of all the three games, since this is the first that came out it had the worst translation but the story is more mature and heart-wrenching in this installment.


A bad translation made the story hard to put heart in. The story is awesome if only there was a better translation team.

In the fictional land El Phildin, Avin and Eimelle are orphaned children living in Cathedral. When Lord Bellias and his minions attack the chapel. He seeks Eimelle, whom he call as “Durga’s Daughter”. The story is about Avin saving Eimelle from pain.

The story is a bit cliched at times but some scenes are so serious that it makes you want to know more.


The gameplay mimics the Lunar games. The enemies are seen outside of battle like any other The Legend of Heroes games I played. It is painfully slow. Their attacks aren’t even cool…


The game has cool face portraits that I totally enjoyed. The chibi characters are cute by my taste but the environment, not so much.


The characters I liked in this game are Mile, Rouca, Lucias, and Rutice. When I first met Mile and he said that one thing, it made me happy, I don’t know why. The characters in this game has backstories and things that will make you cry, like I did.


The game features BGMs that are soothing to the ears. But some BGMs aren’t suitable to where they were placed.


The game has a history feature that records the events of the game and if you’ll play the second installment, Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch, it will let you know how the three games are connected. Aside from that, there’s no replay value to see here.


This game is only for the JRPG fan and even fans would pass this on. If you can bear with butchered translation and understand the story, you will be finishing it all through its trilogy.

Rating: 7.5/10

.iso CRC-32: 2d64283d


The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (USA) PSP ISO Download:


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