WWF No Mercy Plus (Hack) N64 ROM

The coverart image of WWF No Mercy Plus
Game Name WWF No Mercy Plus
Console N64
Game Release (24 years ago)
Genre ,
Users Score Rating: 4.8 / 5


Created by Retro Randy Price
Source: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wwf-no-mercy-v2-87697722

Note: This game crashes on Rosalie's Mupen64 for me.


Fixed PPV mode matches loading incorrectly
Added info to "Z Instructions" on Exhibition

Changes Include:
Records functions restored. Credit: LIGHTNING
Main menu condensed to one screen
Main menu backgrounds can be set as 16 or 256 colors
Matches menu condensed to one screen
"Random" texture now says "Royal Rumble"
Grammar updates to GBC story. Credit: KWG
Big Show portrait update. Credit: KWG

Big show replaces Richards.
Richards is over the GBC slot.
Ankle lock for angle.
Sharpshooter for rock.
Buchannon is Accompanied by no one.
Move that connect to submission checks for Special
Full entrances. Credit: LIGHTNING
Entrance in ring taunt added to SDM move set list
17 additional entrance songs (for players in NM who didn’t have them)
All entrance songs are higher quality
Hold Z on Shop screen for 10 seconds to unlock everything
GBC story available and can play as anyone
1,054 additional file table slots
ROM/RAM area expanded and set up for ASM


WWF No Mercy Plus (Hack) N64 ROM Download:

Shared by Spike

I spend my days following the ROM hacking scene, searching for cool hacks and translations of old games that were left in Japan. All translation and hacking credits go to their respective authors. Neither I nor anyone at CDR translates games.


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