Aidyn Chronicles Mods and Prototypes (Hack) N64 ROM

The coverart image of Aidyn Chronicles Mods and Prototypes
Game Name Aidyn Chronicles Mods and Prototypes
Console N64
Game Release (23 years ago)
Genre ,
Users Score Rating: 4.6 / 5


These files were shared by u/halibabica
All credits to them!

This is just a mirror/pack of all files and docs.


1. MODS:

  • Aidyn Chronicles - the original game, compatible with any N64 emulator
  • Aidyn Patch* - a revised copy that corrects some issues for an enhanced vanilla experience
  • Aidyn Plus* - a massive overhaul of the game that corrects many issues and makes it more challenging
  • Aidyn Alt* - a mod based off the Patch where everything is not quite as you recall
  • Aidyn Drops* - a mod that reveals what drop charts are used for treasures and enemies (based off the Patch)

*These roms are not recognized as AC by emulators. Enable 8MB mode for Expansion Pack features

2. Alpha Builds

  • Aidyn Pre-Alpha* - a prototype version from February 10th, 2000
  • Aidyn Alpha* - a second prototype from May 9th, 2000
  • Aidyn Beta* - an advanced prototype from December 5th, 2000
  • Aidyn Debug* - see guide for list of functions
  • Aidyn 1.0 - the initial release of the official game from March 14th, 2001

3. Debuggers

Level 1 Debuggers:

  • Original
  • Patch
  • Plus
  • Alt

These modded debuggers are for making a custom party to start your adventure with. All heroes are Lv.1 and have their stats adjusted for their lost experience. Run the version for the rom you want to play, get past the Goblin Poisoner event, create your party and save, then close the emulator and rename the .mpk file on the computer to match a regular Aidyn .mpk.

4. Cheats

PJ64 Cheat File - goes in the Config folder of Project64 ver.2.3, adding cheats for 1.0, patch/alt, and A+

5. Docs

Aidyn Google Doc - a data sheet for reference, detailing info from 1.0, patch/alt, and A+

Challenge Run Docs - a set of spreadsheets that can be used to set up and track challenge runs

6. Editor

Aidyn Editor - a handy tool that makes modding easier; compatible with any Aidyn 1.0 roms


Aidyn Chronicles Mods and Prototypes (Hack) N64 ROM Download:

Shared by Spike

I spend my days following the ROM hacking scene, searching for cool hacks and translations of old games that were left in Japan. All translation and hacking credits go to their respective authors. Neither I nor anyone at CDR translates games.


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