Starcraft: Brood War (USA) Windows PC ISO

The coverart image of Starcraft: Brood War
Game Name Starcraft: Brood War
Console Windows
Game Release (26 years ago)
Image Format BIN/CUE
Downloads 12,338
Users Score Rating: 4.4 / 5


Starcraft: Brood War is a Strategy video game published by Blizzard Entertainment released on 1998 for Microsoft Windows.

Broodwar is an Expansion Pack of StarCraft. So you MUST Install Starcraft first.


  1. Extract the 7z file with 7-zip or similar.
  2. Mount the .cue file with Daemon Tools or any virtual drive.
  3. Install the game. No keys needed. It uses your starcraft key.
  4. Play! (CD needs to be left mounted while gaming).

Note: This game is known for having bad colors on Windows 7+, Usually this is fixed by ending explorer.exe process before launching the game (you can start if afterwards). But there's a bat included with the download that does it for you automatically. You may need to edit it with notepad to correct your starcraft.exe installation path.

The bat code looks like this:

taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files"\Starcraft\Starcraft.exe
start C:\Windows\explorer.exe

In my case i had to change line 2 to:


(Again check your location and adjust accordingly)


Starcraft: Brood War (USA) Windows PC ISO Download:

Shared by Spike

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