Metal Gear Solid (Spanish Patched) PSP Eboot

The coverart image of Metal Gear Solid (Spanish Patched)
Game Name Metal Gear Solid (Spanish Patched)
Console PSP Eboots
Game Release (25 years ago)
Genre ,
Image Format EBOOT.PBP
Game ID SLES-01734, SLES-11734
Downloads 6,201
Users Score

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Metal Gear Solid (Spanish Patched) is a Action-Adventure/Stealth video game published by Konami released on February 26th, 1999 for the Sony PlayStation (PSX).

As you may or may not know, Konami released this game half-translated into Spanish. While codec voices and texts were translated, all other texts where left in English. This is an attempt to fix that.

This is what we have done:

  • New fancy font (goodbye ugly typewritter font)
  • Title Screen translated
  • Menus translated
  • Popup messages when collecting items translated
  • Inventory items translated
  • Locations translated
  • Locations in load/save submenus translated
  • Some Codec texts that were left untranslated are now translated
  • Hundreds of images translated

Special thanks to CUE, denim, iseeeva, Ortew, OX-Carnage, peymil, SecaProject, Snake128 and WantedThing.

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Metal Gear Solid (Spanish Patched) PSP Eboot Download:

By Spike

I spend my days following the rom hacking scene, looking for cool hacks and translations of old games left in Japan.


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