Game Name | Metal Gear Solid |
Region | USA |
Console | PSP Eboots |
Category | PSN Eboot |
Game Release | 2009-06-18 (16 years ago) |
Genre | Action |
Publisher | Konami |
Languages | English |
Image Format | EBOOT.PBP |
Game ID | NPUJ-00594 |
Downloads | 74,355 |
Users Score | Rating: 4.6 / 5 |
Metal Gear Solid is a Action video game published by Konami released on June 18th, 2009 for the PlayStation Network as PSOne Classic.
Review by goldenguy43:
Metal gear solid was one of the best ps1 games i’ve ever played simply because the story was amazing, the gameplay was great and it was very nostalgic for me.
Metal gear is about Solid Snake,a spy that goes to Shadow Moses to rescue the colonel’s niece and the president of a company,there he finds out the hostages are being held by a terrorist group named fox hound.
The gameplay is set for the player being sneaky so he cannot be seen, if he seen, he has to hide as quickly as possible.