Game Name | Adidas Power Soccer International '97 |
Region | Europe |
Console | PSP Eboots |
Category | PSX2PSP |
Game Release | 1997-04-01 (28 years ago) |
Genre | Soccer |
Publisher | Psygnosis |
Languages | Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish |
Image Format | EBOOT.PBP |
Game ID | SLES-00270 |
Downloads | 1,607 |
Users Score | Rating: 4.1 / 5 |
Adidas Power Soccer International '97 is a Soccer video game published by Psygnosis released on April 1st, 1997 for the Sony PlayStation (PSX).
Since the regular “Adidas Power Soccer” won’t work on a PSP no matter what we are sharing this updated version of the game.
It’s essentially the same game but expands on the number of available leagues from 3 to 5 and adds a “Top 20” European Clubs division, as well as 56 national teams. The usual game modes includey cups, tournaments and leagues.
Compatibility: Works alright without pops in 6.60. Couple of music glitches on menus but overall fine.