Suikoden II [Bug Fix Patched] (USA) PSX ISO

The coverart image of Suikoden II [Bug Fix Patched]
Game Name Suikoden II [Bug Fix Patched]
Console PlayStation
Game Release (26 years ago)
Genre ,
Image Format BIN/CUE
Game ID SLUS-00958
Downloads 62,203
Users Score Rating: 4.8 / 5


GS2 Bug Fix Patch v2.02.078 
Date: January 3rd, 2019
Credits: Pyriell (creator)
Release Page:

Adds 30+ bugfixes to the original USA release.

  1. Armor Attribute Fixes: Adjusts armor attributes and strips/restores resistances that were applied to incorrect items.
  2. Badeaux Appears: Badeaux will appear in the castle grounds near the pond behind the library.
  3. Castle Armory Fix: Prevents the Castle Armory from selling items when the player has insufficient potch.
  4. Castle Farm Fix: Fixes the Castle Farm module so the player can hand in multiple seeds or animals at one time.
  5. Chaco Bug Fix: Adds a missing Set Level command to Chaco’s recruit script.
  6. Circlet Name Correction: Changes “circuret” to “circlet”.
  7. Collectibles Fix: Repairs errors in the after-battle module that can prevent Recipes, Plans, Window Sets and Sound Sets from dropping.
  8. Emilia Dialog Fix: Force Emilia to use the Hero’s alias during Greenhill events. Mostly for consistency, as the aliases are abandoned quickly by everyone else.
  9. Forgiver Sign Fix: Fix display. Forgiver Sign does zero damage, but a huge value is displayed.
  10. GodSpeed Rune Name Correction: Changes “True Holy” to “Godspeed”.
  11. Gozz Rune renamed Minotaur Rune: Changes “Gozz” to “Minotaur”.
  12. Gregminster Rune Shop Fix: Alters a script for the rune shop in Gregminster so only one set of rare finds is available, regardless of where the hero stands.
  13. Gremio Text Fix: Fixes missing pointers for Gremio dialogues that should appear when you try to leave Banner.
  14. GS1 Load – Names Fix: Fixes the transfer of the hero and castle Names from the original Genso Suikoden.
  15. GS1 Load – Rune Import: Patches the broken Rune Import so that characters with unlocked, open slots can transfer runes.
  16. GS1 Load – Tai Ho Import: Vincent (unplayable in GS1) is removed from the import and import bonuses are added for Tai Ho.
  17. Inns Fix: Prevent the Inn from healing the party for free.
  18. Join At 99 Fix: Prevents recruits from joining at level 99 in error.
  19. Kindness Rune Fix (Penalty): When a character’s invisible Kindness Rating goes below zero the Rune gives a penalty to attack instead of maxing it out.
  20. Knife Thrower Fix: Adds a custom routine for the Knife-throwing event in Ryube that keeps HP from being zeroed.
  21. Lamb Fix (Unicorn Woods): Separates the acquired flag for the lamb from the flag for the first chest (can now get both).
  22. Luca Battle Party-change Fix: The party is emptied but not reformed prior to fighting Luca, allowing the hero to be alone in the back row and effectively invincible. Fix forces the party to reform.
  23. Matilda Gate Fix: Makes the Matilda Gate immovable.
  24. Music Fixes: Fix various issues with music and audio.
  25. North Sparrow Escape Talisman Fix: Prevents using an Escape Talisman in North Sparrow from allowing you to pass the guards, and return to Highland early.
  26. Rope Climb – Turtle Plans #4: Prevents Turtle Plans #4 from being awarded multiple times by the Rope Climb mini-game.
  27. Rune Speed Fix: Fixes an intermittent bug that gives healing spells’ temporary speed boost to Rune Unites.
  28. Rune Unite Fix: Repairs a bug that could allow a single character to participate in multiple Rune Unite spells.
  29. Scroll Shop Display Fix: Stops the Scroll Shop from displaying the actual Names of unidentified items.
  30. Tenzan Pass Enemies Fix: Translates the Names of the enemies in Tenzan pass, and adds the formations that contain the Chimera-type monster to the encounter table.
  31. Tinto Glitch Fix: Fixes a script error that could make it impossible to continue the game during events in Tinto.
  32. Trade Gossip Translation: Translates the text of the trade gossip, which otherwise appears as a garbage in-game.

Relevant FAQ entries:

How to play this game with ePSXe emulator on PC


Suikoden II [Bug Fix Patched] (USA) PSX ISO Download:

Shared by Spike

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