Game Name | Pinocchio (Prototype) + Color Restoration |
Region | USA |
Console | SEGA 32x |
Category | Prototype |
Game Release | 1995 (29 years ago) |
Genre | Hack, Platformer 2D |
Publisher | THQ |
Languages | English |
Downloads | 8,010 |
Users Score | Rating: 4.2 / 5 |
This is a hack of an unreleased prototype of Pinochio for the 32X.
The hack is called "Special Edition", but since that means nothing to me I'm calling it "Color Restoration" because when you read those 2 words you know what the hack does.
Special Edition "Color Restoration" hack:
Released By Linkuei
Category Improvement
Patch Version 1.0
Hack Release Date 06 January 2022