Mother 25th Faithful Edition + Re-Faithful + Vanilla Sprites (Hack) NES ROM

The coverart image of Mother 25th Faithful Edition + Re-Faithful + Vanilla Sprites
Game Name Mother 25th Faithful Edition + Re-Faithful + Vanilla Sprites
Console NES
Game Release (35 years ago)
Genre ,
Users Score Rating: 4.6 / 5


Mother 25th Faithful Edition

Released By ShadowOne333
Patch Version 1.3
Hack Release Date 02 February 2015


  • Intro sequence colors changed to match the original Mother (Red/Blue/White).
  • Main Title Screen modified to match the original Mother Title Screen screen
  • Giegue name changed to Giygas.
  • “Status” stat changed to “Wisdom”.

MOTHER - Re-Faithful

Released By Red Mage Joe
Patch Version 1.0
Hack Release Date 15 March 2019


  • Revert initial character stats to original MOTHER state
  • Revert character stat growth values to original MOTHER state
  • Revert enemy stats to their vanilla state for resource consistency and challenge’s sake
  • Revert grossly nerfed enemy encounter rates back to a difficult but not unreasonable frequency
  • Slightly revert Dragon’s streamlining of level-up text; pauses are added at RNG breakpoints (after “level up!”, after 5 primary stats gain, after HP gain, and after PP gain)
  • Revert a few of Dragon’s battle theme changes to be more contextually appropriate; made one or two changes myself

MOTHER - Vanilla Sprites

Released By Red Mage Joe
Patch Version 1.02
Hack Release Date 06 March 2019


  • Reverts any modified graphics for on-world character sprites.


Mother 25th Faithful Edition + Re-Faithful + Vanilla Sprites (Hack) NES ROM Download:

Shared by Spike

I spend my days following the ROM hacking scene, searching for cool hacks and translations of old games that were left in Japan. All translation and hacking credits go to their respective authors. Neither I nor anyone at CDR translates games.


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