Pokemon Blaze Black 2 / Volt White 2 Redux (Hack) DS ROM

The coverart image of Pokemon Blaze Black 2 / Volt White 2 Redux
Game Name Pokemon Blaze Black 2 / Volt White 2 Redux
Console DS
Game Release (13 years ago)
Genre ,
Image Format .nds
Users Score Rating: 3.9 / 5


Source: https://twitter.com/AphexCubed

About Complete/Classic:

  • In the complete version of Redux, Pokémon have received additional changes to abilities, moveset and type combinations. For example, Serperior is now Grass/Dragon, Weavile gets Technician and Butterfree has a higher BST. If this kind of thing isn't for you, a Classic Patch is available which omits these changes.
  • Not everyone is a fan of Dark/Electric Luxray, Intimidate Fearow or 600BST Flygon. For such a player, the 'Classic' version of Redux strips these changes back. Pokémon are only updated to match their Gen VIII appearances - think Fairy Type Togekiss and Drought Torkoal etc.


Pokemon Blaze Black 2 / Volt White 2 Redux (Hack) DS ROM Download:

Shared by Spike

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