Transformers: Beast Wars Metals 64: All Extras + Megatron X Unlocked (Hack) N64 ROM

The coverart image of Transformers: Beast Wars Metals 64: All Extras + Megatron X Unlocked
Game Name Transformers: Beast Wars Metals 64: All Extras + Megatron X Unlocked
Console N64
Game Release (25 years ago)
Genre ,
Users Score Rating: 4.6 / 5


This hack unlocks all the extras plus the previously Transfer Pak-exclusive Megatron X from the start. This patch patch requires the N64 Expansion Pak, a unmodified BigEndian (.z64) rom file of the Japanese version of Transformers Beast Wars: Transmetals for the N64 (Transformers: Beast Wars Metals 64), and a patching program that supports .bps patch files.
I used the Japanese version because the North American version sucks. For some ungodly reason, BAM Entertainment decided to take away player mobility in the North American version thus making that version infamously awful.
If playing on emulators like Rosalie's Mupen GUI and the Mupen64PlusNext core of Retroarch, please make sure you set dynarec/dynamic recompiler mode to off or enable interpreter mode and enable the expansion pak or else your emulator will crash.

Known Issues:
The game will glitch and freeze if the player enters Toys Mode.


Transformers: Beast Wars Metals 64: All Extras + Megatron X Unlocked (Hack) N64 ROM Download:

Shared by Spike

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