From TV Animation One Piece: Yume no Luffy Kaizokudan Tanjou! (English Patched) GBC ROM

The coverart image of From TV Animation One Piece: Yume no Luffy Kaizokudan Tanjou!
Game Name From TV Animation One Piece: Yume no Luffy Kaizokudan Tanjou!
Console GB Color
Game Release (22 years ago)
Languages ,
Image Format .gbc
Users Score

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From TV Animation One Piece: Yume no Luffy Kaizokudan Tanjou! is a Tactical RPG video game published by Banpresto released on June 28th, 2002 for the GB Color.

I have no idea how much is translated. This is an old translated ROM that was hosted by but was later removed.
The site offline now.

Version: 9
Author: Star Trinket

Version 11: Title Screen Addendum
Author: Parmentation


From TV Animation One Piece: Yume no Luffy Kaizokudan Tanjou! (English Patched) GBC ROM Download:


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