Shock Wave: Operation JumpGate (USA, Europe) 3DO ISO

The coverart image of Shock Wave: Operation JumpGate
Game Name Shock Wave: Operation JumpGate
Region ,
Console 3DO
Game Release (30 years ago)
Genre , ,
Image Format ISO
Downloads 397
Users Score Rating: 5 / 5


Shock Wave: Operation JumpGate is a Flight Simulator/Simulation/Space Combat video game published by Electronic Arts released on 1994 for the 3DO.

It has been 7 years since the alien attack on Earth has been repelled. Now, signs of the aliens have been detected within the solar system. It's again up to you to lead the assault before the aliens launch their second wave. This add-on to Shock Wave takes you to places in the solar system like Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and the asteroid belt in 5 new missions that feature new enemies. The story is again told through live-action cutscenes.

3DO Emulators:

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Shock Wave: Operation JumpGate (USA, Europe) 3DO ISO Download:

Shared by Seinekar

Yeah, whatever.


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