How to Play NeoGeo Pocket/Color ROMs on Real Hardware via Flashcart

This guide was created by Seinekar

Just a quick note for anyone which at any time may try to get a rom play on real hardware via flashcart.

So far the only NGP(C) flashcart i found is the "flash masta". Chinese stuff, pretty cheap, it only allows to flash into it 1 or 2 games, depending on if they are 16 or 32MB. (You can change games anytime).

Here is the one I personally bought.

Though I guess most of them are the same cart, just rebranded (don´t quote me on this, anyway...)

To put games on it you need to install a certain software and add the files through it, (no just copy-paste as if the flash masta were a USB) This software is free to download and on the very own web where its sold you can find the link to download it for free.

In order to make sure there is no silly problem i recommend to rename the zip/folder name to delete the Chinese characters.

-In my case I had to contact the vendor (via Aliexpress) to send me a link to the right software, as the software didn´t work for me at first, seems it was old. Now it is already updated to the right one (checked)

Once unzipped, inside the resultant folder (NGP chinesecharacters - as said, I did delete those Chinese character) you can see this:

From there, following the instructions on the .docx gets you mostly set. If you are curious you can download from the link above (with all the related software) or just check on the end of the post an attached file on .zip format named "NGP flash card using manual"


Thing is! roms on CDRomance are .ngc, and the software expects .ngp, so when from the software of the masta you check your computer to look for the roms, you may just no see them. Just make sure on the options at the bottom of the navigator to select "show all files", not just .ngp.

And yes, .ngc will work just fine, even if the software to transfer the rom from PC to the cart "can´t see it" by default.

Screenshots for clarification:

When you click here...

And get here, make sure to check the bottom right tab and select "all files" to see the .ngc files, as the software may look for .ngp files

So go bottom right and switch to All Files (not just .ngp)

And voilà! here it goes:

Now just proceed as on the .doc, it has no mystery. Its just as silly as that, software does not recognize .ngc, but once you select all files, it works perfectly fine.

I get that is silly and most people may figure themselves, but silly stuff happens, so i hope this may help someone to not overlook that tiny thing and think the format is incompatible or the cart is broken, or whatever.

Now, enjoy!

Shared by Spike

I spend my days following the ROM hacking scene, searching for cool hacks and translations of old games that were left in Japan. All translation and hacking credits go to their respective authors. Neither I nor anyone at CDR translates games.


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