Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger (Germany) 3DO ISO

The coverart image of Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger
Game Name Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger
Console 3DO
Game Release (29 years ago)
Genre ,
Publisher ,
Image Format ISO
Downloads 251
Users Score Rating: 4 / 5


Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger is a Simulation/Space Combat video game published by Electronic Arts, ORIGIN Systems released on 1995 for the 3DO.

The war against the Kilrathi is going badly for the Confederation. Its flagship, the Concordia, has been destroyed, battles are lost on all fronts. War hero Colonel Christopher Blair is transferred to the old carrier Victory. Take the role of Blair and ensure the success of the Confederation's last-ditch attempt for victory: the destruction of the Kilrathi homeworld. Wing Commander III has the usual mix of space battles and cinematic storytelling. Changes from the first two games include SVGA graphics, the use of texture-mapped polygons instead of bitmaps for spaceflight sequences and real Hollywood actors appearing in the cinematic scenes.

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Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger (Germany) 3DO ISO Download:

Shared by Seinekar

Yeah, whatever.


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