Super Wing Commander (Europe) 3DO ISO

The coverart image of Super Wing Commander
Game Name Super Wing Commander
Console 3DO
Game Release (30 years ago)
Genre ,
Publisher ,
Image Format ISO
Downloads 229
Users Score Rating: 5 / 5


Super Wing Commander is a Simulation/Space Combat video game published by Electronic Arts, ORIGIN Systems released on 1994 for the 3DO.

Super Wing Commander is a remake of the first Wing Commander with new graphics and sound. As in the original game, the player takes control of a young pilot on the carrier TCS Tiger's Claw to fly missions in the war against the Kilrathi. The game includes the Vega campaign from the original game and the first Secret Missions add-on campaign. Secret Missions 2 is replaced with a new campaign in which the Tiger's Claw must find and destroy the base where the Sivar dreadnought from Secret Missions 1 was developed. The look of the original game has been completely redesigned, with ships and people looking completely different from the original. All dialogue is now heard through digitized speech.

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Super Wing Commander (Europe) 3DO ISO Download:

Shared by Seinekar

Yeah, whatever.


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